Can I go abroad?

Eligibility for study abroad programs is different at every school, and where you can go depends on several factors, such as your major, year, graduation requirements, etc. Check with your Study Abroad Advisor to find out what the options are for students at your institution.

Where can I go?

There are study abroad programs all over the world, that cover many different subject areas. Use this guide to think about how to combine your academic and personal interests with your needs as an LGBTQ student.

Will it be safe?

There are risks involved in traveling, living, and studying abroad that you won’t encounter on your home campus. However, with the right research and preparation, participation in an established study abroad program, and attention to surroundings when overseas, most study abroad experiences are safe and positive.

What are some key issues? Unique challenges?

There are many issues and challenges that are unique to LGBTQ students. Some of these issues include: identity abroad and views on LGBTQ issues in certain countries; relationships abroad; your decision on whether or not to come out abroad; and returning home after a study abroad experience.

How do I get ready to go?

Researching information before your departure. Ask your study abroad advisor for specific resources.Support from campus resources such as counseling centers, your study abroad office, health centers, etc. Maintaining contact with local resources on campus and at home with family and friends.

How do I afford to go abroad?

There are several scholarship opportunities available to students to fund their study abroad. Contact your study abroad advisor or your StudioAbroad website for more information.

Who can I contact?

Some helpful resources on your home campus include:

  • COF Schools/Departments
  • Study Abroad/International Programs Office
  • Counseling Centers
  • Health Services Centers
  • Campus Ministry