Archive for April, 2018

MassArt Female Filmmaking Team Takes Home Top Honors

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Earlier this semester four sophomores from Mass Art made a last minute decision to participate in the COF Campus Movie Fest Challenge (CMF). The all-female team comprised of  Kayla Marriott, Nadia Healey, Sara Boldt, Kamaryn Pendleton and Kate Costello spent three days creating a film with original animation and composition. The film, “Equus” went on to be one of four winning films at the 4th Annual COF Campus Movie finale on April 3. Their film will now advance to the national competition and be screened in front of hundreds of viewers in Atlanta this June.

Marriott, Healey, Boldt, Pendleton, all film/video majors at Mass Art, and Costello, an animation major, had been looking for an opportunity to collaborate on a project.  When the five friends saw advertisements for the Campus Movie Fest around Mass Art, they decided it would be the “perfect opportunity to put together something cool!” Each participating team is supplied with state-of-the-art  film and audio equipment, laptops, editing software, and tech support and required to create the film within one week’s time. They saw it as an unique opportunity to be challenged and were excited to take on the task of creating a film in such a short period of time.

The all-female team, an already close group of friends, developed a concept for the film relatively easily as they often spend their free time bouncing ideas off of one another. They knew they wanted to work in animation while keeping the plot simple so the focus could be mostly on visuals. Each of them brought their own unique skill to the table, so they were able to work successfully as a team. Pendleton and Boldt executed the shot list, Costello created all the animations, Marriott directed and Healey did all the sound design.

The team found the project really liberating. As students, they are used to doing work for assignments but Campus Movie Fest “gave them to opportunity to create something on their own with virtually no guidelines.” The time restraints also forced the group to learn how to work quickly and efficiently as a team to achieve their goal.

The group found the CMF experience to be exciting and motivating. Although they were nervous about having their work screened in front of a large audience, the positive environment of other ambitious and creative students eased their nerves. The opportunity also gave them the chance to meet other young film makers within the COF and see a variety of different work and viewpoints. The team encourages other students who are interested in film making to give campus movie fest a shot!

To see their winning film, click here.

Global Education Opportunities (GEO) Center Updates

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Study Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation:
Subcommittee members from Emmanuel College, MassArt, Simmons College and the GEO Center, dive into the next phase of pre-departure orientation revamp with updating and improving the Handbook for travelers abroad as well as the online learning modules that all students are required to review prior to travel.  Volunteers from the COF GEO Center, Study Abroad Council, and returned study abroad students administered two in-person orientations to 89 COF students going abroad this summer, fall, and academic year.  Attendees were pleased by the health, safety, and cultural information they received, especially by hearing the hands on experience from the returnees.

Nonresident Alien Taxes:
This year marks that 10th year that the campuses have collaborated on supporting international students and scholars via the joint purchasing of tax software that specifically helps international students and scholars complete the 1040-NR (nonresident) and other federal tax forms.  This will also be the third year that the COF offers tax software that also helps international students and scholars prepare their State of Massachusetts tax forms as well.  With input from the International Student and Scholars Advisors Committee, we moved to a fully self-service model of accessing the tax resources.  For this past tax season, nearly 200 students from across the COF enjoyed enhanced tutorials of which they were able to review and access 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. The GEO Center continued to be available via phone, email, and appointment to assist students with any technical issues that they encountered along the way.

F-1 Data Management:
On February 9, the International Student and Scholars Advisors Committee (ISSAC) reviewed a demo of the F-1 data management prototype in TerraDotta software.  International student advisors and a few students from each campus will participate in a usability test of the newly developed online process, to take place in spring semester.  Feedback from this testing will help the GEO Center to tweak the current prototype and roll out the final version for the fall 2018 semester check-in.  When the J-1 process was moved online, it reduced processing times from roughly 2 weeks, to 2-3 business days.  We expect that the F-1 online process will have a similar result.