Archive for April, 2017

Governor Baker Declares March 29, 2017 “Colleges of the Fenway Day”

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WHEREAS, In 1996, Emmanuel College, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, Simmons College, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and Wheelock College signed the Principles of Collaboration agreeing to form the Colleges of the Fenway; And

WHEREAS, In 1999, Massachusetts College of Art , the only free-standing public art school in the country, joined the consortium as the sixth member institution; And

WHEREAS, believing that by working together we can enhance the student and faculty environments of our individual institutions, while retaining the unique and special qualities of each of our colleges; And

WHEREAS, believing that through the economic benefits of collaboration we can slow down the escalating costs of higher education through the sharing of resources, the ending of costly duplication, and the advantages of joint purchasing; And

WHEREAS, through collaboration, our students and faculty will be able to share the best of both worlds; continue to study, live, and teach in a small college environment while also enjoying the resources of a major academic environment; And

WHEREAS, over twelve thousand students to date have benefited from cross-registration and academic collaboration through the Center for Sustainability and the Environment and joint minors; And

WHEREAS, the colleges have saved over ten million dollars in the past five years through joint purchasing; And

WHEREAS, thousands of students participate in co-curricular events through intramurals, performing arts and joint social events to enhance their collegiate experience and strengthen our campus community; And

WHEREAS, the colleges benefit from shared services through the Global Education Opportunities Center, Environmental Health and Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and Training and Development

NOW THEREFORE, I, Charles D. Baker, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim March 29, 2017 to be:

Colleges of the Fenway Day

COF 20th Anniversary Collaboration Award Winners

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Committees / Initiatives Award
This award recognizes committees, working groups, or initiatives that have made an enduring contribution to COF. The work/initiative brings consistent value to the colleges.  

  • Network Managers Committee
  • Student Activities Committees
  • Study Abroad Council
  • MLK Breakfast Committee

The following awards recognize outstanding contributions by individuals, who have served to move the collaboration forward, either through the individual’s work on a specific program/initiative, on a committee(s), or through other efforts. The individuals recognized in this category have helped initiate or champion a successful program or collaborative effort.

Unsung Hero Award
This award recognizes an individual who consistently contributes or contributed behind the scenes to a COF committee and associated projects.

  • Ellen Faszewski (Wheelock College)
  • Lana Dvorkin Camiel (MCPHS University)
  • Rick Lessard (MCPHS University)
  • Kurt Steinberg (MassArt)
  • Maureen Keefe (MassArt)
  • Anne Marie Martorana (Wheelock College)

Catalyst Award
This award recognizes an individual who is/was an idea generator, moves/moved initiatives to the next level, helps/helped keep programs going, is/was the champion.

  • Brian Burns (Wentworth Institute of Technology)
  • Pat Rissmeyer (Emmanuel College)
  • Dan Serig (MassArt)
  • Corey Zohlman (Simmons College)
  • Counseling Directors (All campuses)

Emerging Collaborator
This award recognizes a new employee or new member of a COF committee who has demonstrated collaborative behavior.

  • Mary Pyne (Simmons College)
  • Britney Masse (Wheelock College)
  • Kelly Parrish (Wentworth Institute of Technology)
  • Jeffrey Smith Jr. (Emmanuel College)

This award recognizes external organizations and vendors who have contributed to the success of COF.  

  • Breakthrough Collaboration
  • The Markley Group  
  • Davis Educational Foundation