Archive for March, 2017

Finding Our Common Humanity Within The COF

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On February 11, Colleges of the Fenway, with funding from an Interfaith Youth Core grant, hosted the the one-day “Finding Our Common Humanity” conference at MassArt. Over 30 students, faculty, and staff engaged in dialogue and explored ways to better support one another, particularly those belonging to religious communities most affected by hate and intolerance.

Guest speakers included Ahmed Rashed, instructor at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, who discussed establishing solidarity across different faiths or belief systems. In addition, Dr. Liza Talusan, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at The Park School in Brookline, facilitated a workshop exploring an individual’s relationship to bystander intervention. The conference concluded with Becca Hartman, Campus Relations Manager from Interfaith Youth Core, who encouraged participants to identify ways in which to strengthen communities through positive action steps.

Sarah Ijaz, Simmons College ‘19, attended the conference and enjoyed the thought-provoking faith-based discussions. “As an attendee, I felt that my opinions and voice were welcome in every discussion and I enjoyed the time I spent getting to know how people different than me were reacting to different ethical dilemmas and the current state of American politics. It was valuable for me to have a day set aside for building relationships with people outside of my own faith community”, she said.

An additional participant shared, “I’ve learned to think deeply about what it means to help and how my upbringing informed it. I also learned that my own weaknesses and vulnerability does not exempt me from stepping up!”

Stay tuned for upcoming programs sponsored by COF Communities of Faith and to learn more about Interfaith Youth Core’s work, visit:

3D Printing Safety   

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Did you know that the Journal of Chemical Health and Safety recently published an article about 3D printing? As cool as this relatively new technology is, the results of the test just completed indicate 3D printing generates a high number of ultrafine particles and nanomaterial.  As a result, proper ventilation and suitable printer locations are essential to protect students, faculty and staff when installing these types of 3D printers.

Click here if you would like a copy of the free assessment tool developed by COF’s Director of Environmental Health and Safety, Jennifer Bosselman, to assess the safety of your printers and other fabrication equipment.